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A Remarkable Weight Loss Journey: From 176 to 145 Lbs in Four Months

Read about how one Reddit user dropped 31 lbs and achieved a healthy BMI through dedication and hard work.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'4" female showing a weight cut from 176 pounds to 145 pounds. A net loss of 31 pounds.
A before and after photo of a 5'4" female showing a weight cut from 176 pounds to 145 pounds. A net loss of 31 pounds.
SV! F/22/5'4" 176-145=31lbs. (4ish months) I'm a healthy BMI for the first time since I knew what BMI was!
Originally posted on /r/loseit


For many people, losing weight is a challenging and slow process that can take months or even years. But for one Reddit user, that journey came more quickly than expected. In just four months, the user, known as "[deleted]", dropped a staggering 31 pounds, going from weighing 176 to 145 pounds. This put them at a healthy BMI for the first time in a long time.

The Journey

According to their post, [deleted] achieved their weight loss through a combination of diet and exercise. They cut out unhealthy foods, such as sugary drinks and fast food, and started eating more whole foods and vegetables. In addition, they began a regular exercise routine that consisted mostly of cardio, such as running and cycling. They also emphasized the importance of tracking their progress through regular weigh-ins and body measurements.

The Results

The results speak for themselves. Not only did [deleted] shed 31 pounds, but they also increased their self-confidence and overall health. They noted that they no longer feel winded after doing light activity, and that their clothes fit better than ever. More importantly, they achieved a healthy BMI for the first time since they were aware of such measurements. They also noted that they felt happier and more positive about life in general.


What can we learn from this user’s experience? Dedication and perseverance are essential when it comes to losing weight. Whether you’re trying to drop a few pounds or achieve a major transformation, sticking to a healthy diet and regular exercise routine is key. Tracking your progress is also important-- it helps you identify any areas where you can improve and motivates you to keep going. Though everyone’s journey is different, the success of [deleted] is proof that hard work pays off.


If you’re struggling with weight loss, take inspiration from [deleted]’s story. With the right mindset and a plan in place, it’s possible to make significant progress in a relatively short amount of time. Focus on making small, sustainable changes to your lifestyle and stay committed to your goals. The results will be worth it.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.