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How This Reddit User Lost 18 Lbs in 1 Month and Inspires Others

18 lbs in one month! Reddit user shares lifestyle changes that helped him lose weight: no takeout food, no alcohol, smaller portions, green tea, water, cardio, and weight training.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'10" man showing a fat loss from 224 pounds to 206 pounds. A respectable loss of 18 pounds.
A photo of a 5'10" man showing a fat loss from 224 pounds to 206 pounds. A respectable loss of 18 pounds.
A photo of a 5'10" man showing a fat loss from 224 pounds to 206 pounds. A respectable loss of 18 pounds.
M/22/5'10" [224 > 206 = 18lbs] (1 Month)
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Weight loss can be a difficult journey, but one Reddit user's post has inspired many who are currently on a similar journey themselves. This user, who goes by the name herpaderpcanada1993, recently shared his weight loss journey on the ProgressPics subreddit. In it, he outlines the lifestyle changes he made to lose 18 lbs in just one month.

Changes made

As herpaderpcanada1993 shares in his post, there were several lifestyle changes he made to achieve this impressive weight loss: He quit eating takeout food completely, stopped drinking beer or any alcohol, avoided non-complex carbs when possible, started eating smaller portions, replaced coffee with green tea, drank a ton of water every day, did half an hour to an hour of cardio (biking, jogging, hiking) 5-6 days a week while going to the school gym to workout 4-6 days a week. If he skipped the gym, he did short workouts during the day at home with dumbbells, pushups, sit-ups, and planks.

Implications of his progress

Though some may feel that 18 pounds in one month is a rapid weight loss, this user's progress has been a source of encouragement for many. Further, herpaderpcanada1993's post is an excellent reminder of how beneficial making lifestyle changes can be when trying to achieve weight loss goals. Though what worked for him may not work the same way for others, the principles of eating healthier, exercising more, and cutting out unhealthy habits are sound and effective.

Advice for loose skin

One user commented that rapid weight loss can sometimes lead to loose skin. Herpaderpcanada1993 asked for advice on how to address this issue, and the commenter suggested using body firming lotion, drinking lots of water, and not losing weight too quickly. This is especially important if you're worried about loose skin, but it's also a reminder that rapid weight loss can have unintended consequences.


Other Reddit users have commented on herpaderpcanada1993's post, congratulating him on his success and asking for advice. This is a great example of how social media can be used to help support individuals on their weight loss journeys. While each person's journey may be different, there are some key takeaways here, such as drinking water, replacing coffee with green tea, and avoiding processed carbs. Those looking to start their own weight loss journey might find inspiration and guidance in this Reddit post and the wider community it represents.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.