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Periodization is a training technique that involves dividing a fitness program into different periods or phases, each with its own specific goals, structure, intensity, and duration. The aim of periodization is to help individuals achieve maximum gains in strength, power, and endurance while minimizing the risk of overtraining or injury.

How it works

The different phases of periodization correspond to different stages of a fitness journey. Typically, there are macrocycles, mesocycles, and microcycles. Macrocycles are the longest phase and usually last for several months. Mesocycles are shorter phases within the macrocycle and typically last several weeks. Microcycles are the shortest phase and usually last for one week. Each phase has its specific focus, intensity, and duration, and ideally, it should build upon the previous phase.

Importance for weight loss and wellness

Periodization is essential for weight loss and wellness because it helps individuals avoid plateauing and overtraining while continuing to progress towards their fitness goals. By incorporating periodization into a wellness and weight loss program, individuals can experience consistent gains in strength and endurance while remaining motivated and injury-free.

Synonyms and Related Terms

  • Phased Training
  • Training Blocks
  • Periodized Resistance Training
  • Macrocycle
  • Mesocycle
  • Microcycle

Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.