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Bulking Journey of a 27 Year Old Male Progression Report

Read the inspiring weight journey of Blammelton – a determined 27-year-old male who has been bulking for months. Witness his transformation by following this progress report.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 6'3" male showing a snapshot of 188 pounds at a height of 6'3
A picture of a 6'3" male showing a snapshot of 188 pounds at a height of 6'3
A picture of a 6'3" male showing a snapshot of 188 pounds at a height of 6'3
Introduction: Bulking/Male/27/6'3/188lbs
Originally posted on /r/BTFC


Blammelton is a 27-year-old male standing at 6'3” who started bulking when he weighed 188lbs. Like most fitness enthusiasts, he aimed to gain muscle and improve his overall health. He shared his progress on Reddit, and we followed his journey.

Bulking: The Process

Bulking is a process that involves increasing caloric intake and following a structured workout program to gain weight. Blammelton documented his journey using MyFitnessPal to track his daily macronutrient intake. He chose to bulk mainly with whole foods but did not shy away from supplements like creatine.

Results so far

Blammelton's weight increased to 197lbs after just a few months of bulking. He documented a visible difference in muscle mass and strength, both in the gym and daily activities. Blammelton plans to continue bulking, focusing on building as much strength and muscle as possible before eventually cutting to reveal his new form.


Blammelton's story teaches us that with proper nutrition and workout program, anyone can achieve their fitness goals, be it bulking, cutting, or leaning. However, it takes patience, dedication, and consistency to see visible results. We encourage everyone to start their fitness journey and document it to inspire and motivate others.


Blammelton's weight journey is compelling proof that anyone can achieve their fitness goals – no matter their starting point. With a positive attitude, a well-balanced diet, hard work, and perseverance, significant growth and changes are possible. We hope that following this progress report has provided inspiration and motivation for everyone on a similar journey and encourages them to keep pushing forward.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.