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F/21/5'6 (235>187=48Lbs) a Weight Loss Success Journey

F/21/5'6 (235>187=48lbs) - Read a inspiring and realistic story of one's journey of weight loss. Learn how the user achieved weight loss and kept at it.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'6" woman showing a weight cut from 235 pounds to 187 pounds. A total loss of 48 pounds.
F/21/5'6 (235>187=48lbs) still keepin on!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight is an arduous journey filled with ups and downs. For one individual, their goal of losing weight came with much-needed discipline and time. The user's journey began with a tenacious resolve to lose weight and has since seen a loss of 48lbs. The user's success story is an inspiring one that goes on to demonstrate how anyone can make that change they desire, one day at a time.

The Journey

As is the case with most weight loss journeys, the user encountered obstacles along the way. However, the user's ambitious mind could not be deterred. A combination of consistent exercise, healthy eating, and mindfulness ultimately resulted in the user's weight loss success journey. From maintaining a food diary to ensuring an active day at work, little actions contributed to the long-term goal of weight loss. The user's journey serves as a testament to how positivity and a refusal to give up can lead to success.

The Challenges

Staying motivated and positive is a task in itself, but that was not the only challenge the user faced. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is all about consistency and discipline, and this meant physical activity at all times. The user shared that there were times of limited motivation, days when the body felt fatigued or when social events made sticking to a healthy routine difficult. The user found ways to adapt to these situations and push through these impediments to ultimately reach their goal.


The journey of weight loss is a long one that requires patience, hard work, and a positive attitude. This story serves as an inspiration to anyone looking to make a change in their life. The user's determination and focus have shown that small actions are what contribute to long-term change. Anyone can learn from this journey, and by taking action on small habits daily, they can create a successful change in the long run. This proof of success in weight loss is a story worth sharing.


The user's story is a reminder that weight loss journeys are not about overnight changes but a gradual build-up of habits that constitute a positive lifestyle change. The user's journey did take time but was ultimately achievable with patience and persistence. The best takeaway from the user's journey is the philosophy to start small and aim for consistency. This form of gradual change encourages individuals to be kind to themselves and embrace their unique journey towards a healthier, happier life.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.