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My 58Lbs Weight Loss Journey: M/22/6'1" (272 > 214) with Just a Few Months of Dieting

This article reports on the inspiring weight loss journey of Reddit user DrArtex, from 272lbs to 214lbs. Learn how he changed his diet and lost weight.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 6'1" male showing a fat loss from 272 pounds to 214 pounds. A net loss of 58 pounds.
A picture of a 6'1" male showing a fat loss from 272 pounds to 214 pounds. A net loss of 58 pounds.
M/22/6'1" (272 > 214 = 58lbs) 14lbs away from my goal! First pic is me after a few months of changing my diet. About 255lbs!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


DrArtex's weight loss journey is a motivating example of what one can achieve with dedication and a few lifestyle changes. His journey is documented on Reddit, where he shared his progress, inspiring other users to embark on their own weight loss journey.

Changing His Diet and Achieving Success

DrArtex's journey began by changing his diet, which contributed significantly to his weight loss. He adopted a healthier eating habit, consisting of fewer calories and more protein, fruits, and vegetables. He also quit most high-calorie drinks, limited his junk food intake, and tracked his progress. He supplemented his diet with exercise, which proved to be a winning formula.

The Significance of Pictures

DrArtex documented his weight loss journey with pictures, which allowed him to track his progress and witness the changes firsthand. The images provided him with the motivation he needed to keep going towards his ultimate goal.

Motivating Others

Through his Reddit posts and updates, DrArtex inspired many users and proved that it's possible to achieve significant weight loss with only a few lifestyle changes. His journey encourages others to embark on their own fitness journey, no matter their starting point.


DrArtex's story is a reminder that weight loss is possible with simple lifestyle changes, including a healthier diet and exercise. The key is to find a routine that works and to stick with it, tracking progress along the way. Pictures can offer great motivation and inspiration to keep going. With determination, anyone can achieve their fitness goals, just like DrArtex.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.