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M/16/5’8” Cut Journey: 26 Lbs Lost and Counting

Follow WhiteWhaleWilly's reddit post and witness their weight journey. Get inspired to start your own fitness journey through their story.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'8" male showing a weight loss from 198 pounds to 172 pounds. A total loss of 26 pounds.
A before and after photo of a 5'8" male showing a weight loss from 198 pounds to 172 pounds. A total loss of 26 pounds.
A before and after photo of a 5'8" male showing a weight loss from 198 pounds to 172 pounds. A total loss of 26 pounds.
M/16/5'8"[198>172=26lbs] Finishing up the rest of my cut.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


WhiteWhaleWilly is a 16-year-old, 5’8” teenager who shared his progress in his weight journey on Reddit. He started at 198 lbs and has lost 26 lbs so far. He has been consistently working out and keeping track of his diet for six months. Check out his inspiring story on Reddit and get motivated to start your own fitness journey!

Dedication Pays Off

WhiteWhaleWilly’s progress has been a testimony that dedication and hard work do pay off. He has been going to the gym five times a week to hit his entire body and do some cardio. Additionally, he has been watching his diet and keeping track of his calorie intake. This shows that keeping an active and healthy lifestyle goes hand in hand with watching one’s nutrition.

Support from the Community

Reddit users have been supportive of WhiteWhaleWilly’s progress. One user even commented, “Dude, you look awesome. If you keep this up then you're going to look like a god by the time you get to college.” This kind of support from the community can be encouraging and add more motivation to continue one’s journey to fitness.

Inspiration for the Youth

WhiteWhaleWilly’s journey is also an inspiration for young individuals like him. At sixteen, he has set his mind to becoming healthier and his progress proves that it is never too early to start a fitness journey. His level of commitment to losing weight is impressive, and he can serve as an inspiration to other teenagers who aspire to be healthier and more active.


WhiteWhaleWilly’s journey is a testament that progress can come from dedication and hard work. His journey can inspire you to start your own fitness journey, and it can also give you an idea of how to start. Consistency in working out, watching one's diet, and surrounding oneself with a supportive community can all contribute to a successful weight journey. Start your own fitness journey today!

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.