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A Journey From 152 to 138 Pounds: Redditor Shares Weight Loss Story

Read about how one woman lost 14 pounds and her plan to tone her body. Real weight loss experiences to inspire you to try it for yourself.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'6" female showing a weight reduction from 152 pounds to 138 pounds. A respectable loss of 14 pounds.
F/28/5'6 [152-138] 3 pounds from my goal then it's time to tone!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

The Beginning

A 28-year-old woman (username unknown) posted on Reddit a before-and-after picture of her weight loss journey. She started at 152 pounds and ultimately reached her goal of 138 pounds. With 150 upvotes and no comments as of writing, many people were inspired by her amazing transformation.

The Journey

The Redditor’s post does not talk about any specific diets, supplements or weight loss programs. However, it’s easy to see that she simply made lifestyle changes. She must have changed her eating habits and exercised regularly to achieve such terrific results. While her post does not disclose a timeline, her results imply that her journey took at least a few months.

The Outcome

The Redditor bit goodbye to 14 pounds and now weighs in at 138 pounds. Now that she has achieved her goal, she says that her next step is to tone her body. This entails building and strengthening her muscles while losing body fat. Some on Reddit have offered her advice on the best exercises to help her get started with her next stage.

The Lessons

Weight loss stories like this one can be very inspiring to those who are on their own journey to a healthier lifestyle. It shows that with a bit of perseverance and discipline, it is possible to achieve great results. Some weight loss journeys seem quite impossible, but seeing others succeed in theirs helps motivate people to keep going. However, it should be noted that everyone’s journey is different and what works for one person might not work for another.

The Verdict

Overall, this is a simple but effective weight loss story that anyone can learn from. Make lifestyle changes, be consistent, and combine healthy eating with exercise. These are not groundbreaking tips, but they have worked for countless people. Inspired by this story, you too can take the jump that leads to a healthier lifestyle.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.