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F/20/5'3 a Yearlong Journey From 160 Lbs to 130 Lbs

This Reddit post details the weight loss journey of a female who shared her progress pictures and inspired others to make progress towards their own health goals.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'3" female showing a weight reduction from 160 pounds to 130 pounds. A total loss of 30 pounds.
F/20/5'3" [160 lbs > 130 lbs = 30 lbs] (1 year) Finally made my goal of 30 lbs lost. Pictures are a year apart, but the weight loss really started 9 months ago.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

The Journey of a Female Towards Better Health

With unwavering determination and hard work, a female Reddit user dancercjt achieved her weight loss goals in a year. Having started at 160 pounds, she lost 30 pounds and reached her target weight of 130 pounds. Her before and after transformation pictures posted on Reddit have inspired many and received more than 400 upvotes.

Muscle Mass and Weight Perception

While many people assumed that the way she carried her weight meant that she weighed less than 160 pounds, dancercjt knew that it was because of her significant muscle mass. Her weight loss journey was more about being fit and healthy than achieving a certain number on the scale.

Positive Remarks and Encouragement

The Redditors who commented on her post were very supportive and praised her for her fantastic progress. Many even noticed her improved body shape, especially her arms and legs. Others complimented her on her cheekbones appearing more prominent.

Exercise and Balanced Diet

Dancercjt revealed that her weight loss journey began officially 9 months earlier when she started following a balanced diet and exercise regime. With a combination of weightlifting, running, and keeping track of calorie intake, she made progress towards her goals every day. Her determination paid off as she achieved her target weight 3 months ago.

Making Progress towards Better Health

Sharing her journey on Reddit has been an inspiration to many, proving that with a positive attitude, hard work, and dedication, anything is possible. Her journey of weight loss is not just about losing pounds, but about achieving a balanced, healthy lifestyle. Everyone who wants to get in shape, must find their own motivation, set achievable goals and work towards them with dedication and patience.,

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.