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How a Reddit User Lost 45 Pounds in a Year and a Half

A 24-year-old male on Reddit reveals how he went from 215 to 170 pounds through diet changes and exercise. Read on to learn more.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'11" man showing a weight cut from 215 pounds to 170 pounds. A total loss of 45 pounds.
(M/24/5'11) Went from around 215 to 170 in about a year and a half, with 30 lbs lost in the 4 last months. Never was that small since childhood.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

Finding Success Through Dietary Changes

The user, known as takarblackangel on Reddit, shared a weight loss journey that took about a year and a half. The individual cut out sugary drinks, desserts and lowered carb intake. This approach worked, and the individual eats more greens and snacks on yogurt, nuts, and fruits. Moreover, they've significantly reduced their portion sizes to achieve a healthier diet.

Exercising and Strength Training for Optimal Results

To complement dietary changes, the Reddit user started their journey with the Couch to 5K program in early 2014. Later, they were introduced to lifting and began Strong Lifts thrice a week at the gym. This user's workout routines generated more success and significant improvement to complement dietary changes. In spring, the plan was to start running outside and include the 5 to 10k bridge.

Lessons from the Reddit Posts

The Reddit thread received 91 upvotes, and some commenters praised the user's transformation. Some replies even contained compliments for the user's handsome looks. While the compliments attest to something positive, the user's previous pictures show a dramatic difference in weight loss, and the takeaway lesson from this post is simple. Losing weight involves correct dieting, consistent exercise programs, and support.

Encouragement for Those Interested in Weight Loss

If you're interested in weight loss, then this Reddit post comes as a great encouragement. Anyone can follow in the Redditor's footsteps and achieve a successful weight loss journey. Start by changing your dietary habits and adopting good exercise programs that work best for you. Don't be afraid to seek support from others either!

Final Thoughts

This Reddit user's weight loss story shows that small steps towards healthier lifestyle changes can make a significant difference, both physically and mentally. Even though the user is not present, their posts on Reddit give tangible proof that weight loss is achievable through simple practices. You, too, can get started today and achieve the remarkable transformation you have always wanted to experience.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.