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5 Month Weight Loss Journey: Gym Routine and Clean Eating

Read about one person's weight loss journey over 5 months through rigorous gym routine and clean eating.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'11" male showing a weight cut from 200 pounds to 183 pounds. A respectable loss of 17 pounds.
A before and after photo of a 5'11" male showing a weight cut from 200 pounds to 183 pounds. A respectable loss of 17 pounds.
M/29/5'11 [200lbs > 183lbs] (5 Months) And no slowing down!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Read about one person's inspiring weight loss journey and how they lost 17lbs in just over 5 months by working out daily and eating clean.

Gym Routine

The user hits the gym every day, never missing a day unless absolutely necessary. They focus on a single muscle group per session and also indulge in an arm day or a small muscle day. They also run 3-4 miles daily on their lunch break. Squats are done twice a week with large weights. The user believes that consistency is key and that they have not experienced overtraining.

Clean Eating

The user eats oatmeal in the morning, a turkey, roast beef or tunafish sandwich for lunch with protein shakes/bars in between. For dinner, they have steak and vegetables. They only drink water, except for a weekly average of 14 drinks of alcohol which they have slowly reduced while staying faithful to their routine.

Takeaways and Tips

Consistency is the key to any successful exercise and diet regimen. Additionally, the user checks their body and does not work out a muscle group if it hurts. They recommend staying faithful to routines, especially when you do not feel like doing them as it is important to get yourself into a habit.


The user is a perfect example of how dedication, honesty and tracking one's progress can yield amazing results. This story is a testament to the idea that if you believe in yourself and have a system that works, you can make significant positive changes. Remember to check with your doctor before embarking on a weight loss journey and seek professional help if necessary.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.