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A Journey to 40Lbs Lost: Reddit User's Weight Loss Story

Read about how a Reddit user lost 40lbs in 8 months through diet and exercise.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'6" female showing a weight loss from 184 pounds to 144 pounds. A respectable loss of 40 pounds.
F/32/5'6" 184lbs > 144lbs = 40lbs lost! Face comparison
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


This Reddit user, RooSong, has an inspiring weight loss story to share. Her post shows the power of small changes over time and how it can lead to significant weight loss. Read on to learn more about her journey.

Deciding to Take Control

RooSong was embarrassed to find out she was part of the overweight lesbian statistical study. Also, she felt lethargic and kept buying larger clothing sizes. In April, she decided to take control by reducing caloric intake, at first without counting calories. She simply ate less of everything she loved, cut down on bread and carbs, and eventually kept her calorie intake to 1200 per day. She also started walking, then running, which helped her lose weight, increase energy and feel better.

Losing Weight through Diet and Exercise

RooSong's dramatic before-and-after pictures showed a decrease in weight from 184 to 144 pounds, only eight months apart. Her diet changes proved to be the primary driver for her weight loss. By focusing on reducing her calories, she was able to lose weight at a steady pace. Running also became more comfortable over time, which helped her increase her physical activity levels.

Noticing Positive Changes

During her weight loss journey, RooSong noticed many positive changes within herself. Aside from the physical benefits, like the decrease in weight, she felt more confident, energetic and healthy. She noted that she got more attention and compliments from others and recognized how important it is to surround herself with positive people.


RooSong's journey demonstrates that motivating yourself to change is the first step towards losing weight. By making small and gradually increasing changes, we can make significant and long-lasting results. Trying out simple modifications like counting calories or adding more physical activity can lead to a healthier lifestyle. RooSong also shows the importance of maintaining a positive attitude and receiving support from your community, like the MyFitnessPal app or Reddit thread. Do what works for you and embrace the change that comes with it.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.