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From Fat to Fit: a Journey to Better Health

Reddit user BrovietUnion1 shares his weight loss journey in a span of 1.5 years. Read on to know the secret behind his success.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 6'0" man showing a weight cut from 195 pounds to 185 pounds. A respectable loss of 10 pounds.
Update [M/24/6'0"]: 1.5 years later, got fat again! My girlfriend broke up with me 4 months ago, so I whipped myself back into shape: 195 -> 185 lbs over 4 months of being single, plus muscle gain. The weight will come back, you have to keep at it!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


BrovietUnion1, a Reddit user, shares his weight loss and muscle gain journey in a span of 1.5 years. His post garnered 120 upvotes, with comments praising him for his progress and requesting more information on his routine.

The Struggle is Real

BrovietUnion1 revealed that he gained weight again after his previous post in 2014. The breakup with his girlfriend four months ago led him to whip himself back into shape. He initially weighed 195 lbs and successfully went down to 185 lbs after four months of being single but with added muscles.

Secrets to Success

Hot Yoga played a significant role in BrovietUnion1's transformation. He attends the Core Power Yoga studio and takes its hot yoga class called "sculpt" with weights and calisthenics. He also credits his improved back size, leg size, and core strength to this class. Even though he lifts only twice a week now, he considered the yoga classes as weightlifting sessions too.

Diet is Key

BrovietUnion1's journey is a testament that diet is key when it comes to weight loss. He did not follow an overly restrictive diet, but he opted to replace one meal per day with a plant-based protein shake. He also observed that managing his output is more than his input and avoiding anything too unhealthy has played a significant role in his transformation. Furthermore, he limited his late-night snacking and opted for clementines instead.

Keep Going

BrovietUnion1 emphasizes the importance of maintaining a routine to keep the weight off. He advised everyone to keep going and finding what works for them rather than looking for a magic pill. BrovietUnion1 showed that consistency, combined with the right attitude and strategy, achieves the body goals you desire.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.