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F/21/5'5/130 Nine Month Weight Loss Journey with Keto

A Reddit user shares her 9-month journey from 162 to 130 pounds, becoming healthier with keto, and calorie control measures that made her feel confident again

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'5" woman showing a snapshot of 130 pounds at a height of 5'5
F/21/5'5/130 - I'm waaaay proud of myself
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

Introduction - Nine-month journey

-itsoctoberthird, a Reddit user, shares her nine-month weight loss journey using keto diet and regular exercise techniques. It focuses on reducing excess localized body fat and becoming healthier overall.

Plan of Action

In February, -itsoctoberthird started reducing her calorie intakes which were around 1,000 a day. She became very strict in the initial phase and worked out regularly. A few months later, she started following a low-carb diet which led her to look into the keto diet, resulting in finding the keto sub and xx-keto that motivated her to reduce more carbs and increase proteins and fat intake for a caloric deficit.

Progress and Results

-itsoctoberthird lost 32 pounds from 162 to 130 pounds in nine months. Her body has undergone a significant change as evident from the before and after pictures. The loose fittings in before pictures now require alteration to fit her leaner frame.

Motivation and Inspiration

-itsoctoberthird's post gained appreciation from fellow Redditors who congratulated her on her impressive journey. They were pleased with how great she looks in both pictures. Inner thigh regions, which are typically problematic spots for many weight loss enthusiasts, underwent significant reduction. Her post garnered over 370 upvotes, pointing to the inspiration -itsoctoberthird provided to others in similar situations.


This Reddit post serves as an inspiration for people who want to become healthy and happy by losing weight. The journey involved rigorous exercise, a strict calorie-controlled diet, and following specific diets like keto. It took time, patience, and a positive mindset to sustain the journey. The results are evident not only in differences in physical appearance, but also in mental health and being comfortable in one's skin. Her journey to a healthier self is an inspiration to millions.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.