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F/29/5'4 Weight Loss Journey: From 206 to 190 Lbs in 4 Months

Read about one woman's weight loss journey as documented in her Reddit post. Find inspiration to try things out for yourself.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'4" woman showing a weight loss from 206 pounds to 190 pounds. A total loss of 16 pounds.
A photo of a 5'4" woman showing a weight loss from 206 pounds to 190 pounds. A total loss of 16 pounds.
F/29/5'4 [206>190] (4ish months) still about 2/3 the way to go, but I can finally see a difference (in the side view at least...)
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Cloudyeller posts on Reddit to document her weight loss journey, sharing the ups and downs of her experience. Her post has garnered 76 upvotes and no comments. Read on to learn more about her progress, and find inspiration to try things out for yourself.

Starting Point

When cloudyeller began her weight loss journey, she weighed 206 lbs. As someone who had struggled with weight her whole life, she was determined to make a change. Through a combination of diet and exercise, she was able to shed 16 lbs. in 4ish months, bringing her down to 190 lbs. While she still has a ways to go, she is proud of her progress.


Cloudyeller acknowledges that the weight loss journey hasn't been easy. She has struggled with self-doubt and feelings of guilt over her weight. There have been times when she has strayed from her diet or skipped a workout, but she has been able to overcome these setbacks and get back on track. She stresses the importance of self-forgiveness and not letting a mistake derail progress.


Although cloudyeller still has about 2/3 of her weight loss journey left to go, she is starting to see results. She notes that she is able to fit into clothes that were previously too tight, and that she can see a difference in her side profile. While she acknowledges that progress is slow, she emphasizes the importance of consistency and persistence in achieving one's goals.


Cloudyeller's weight loss journey is a reminder that making a change is possible. Through hard work and dedication, she has been able to shed 16 lbs in 4ish months, and is continuing to work towards her goal weight. Her story serves as inspiration for anyone seeking to make a positive change in their life. So why not try things out for yourself – you might be surprised by what you're capable of achieving!

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.