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15 Lbs Weight Loss and Muscle Gain Journey in 9 Months: Critboy's Workout and Diet

Check out Critboy's 15 lbs weight loss and muscle gain journey in 9 months. Discover his workout routine, lifting, diet, and tips that led to his progress

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 6'0" male showing a weight loss from 185 pounds to 170 pounds. A respectable loss of 15 pounds.
M/23/6'0" [185 lbs > 170 lbs = 15lbs] (9 months) My weight loss and muscle gain before and after pics
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

Critboy's Progress

Critboy, 23-year-old, 6 feet tall, successfully achieved 15 lbs weight loss and muscle gain journey in 9 months. He started first with cardio for the first three months, mainly running, jump rope, and cardio kickboxing. After feeling of losing enough weight, he gradually switched to more lifting starting with lighter weights, and then six months down the road, heavier weights to build muscle size. He worked out initially 3-4 times a week until he moved to 5-6 times a week to keep his routine fresh and avoid plateauing.

Critboy's Workout Routine

Critboy followed a lifting-heavy workout routine schedule that included Chest, and Tricep day, Back, and Bicep day, Shoulder day, and Leg day, all with 3 sets of 6 reps each. He always used free weights instead of machines to work his muscles harder. He switched his routine every two to three months to shake things up, and his workouts became harder only when he found the previous ones too easy.

Critboy's Diet

Critboy was not strict with his diet but stopped drinking alcohol, pop, chips, and junk food. He started eating healthy food, including chicken, broccoli, brown rice, green beans, fruits, and vegetables as snacks. He ate until he was no longer hungry and only ate when he was hungry, avoiding eating out as much as possible. He ate less but often and had healthy snacks like almonds in between meals. For main meals, he cooked bulk chicken, lots of vegetables like broccoli and beans, and lots of fruits to satisfy his candy cravings and sugar cravings.

Tips for success

Critboy's tale could encourage anyone going through a weight loss and muscle gain journey. The best routine is one rooted in passion, focus, and consistency. Progress takes time, so patience is key. It is essential to measure and track progress and not to be too hard on oneself for minor setbacks. And finally, while achieving progress and change, it is equally important to have a balanced routine and enjoy other experiences in life.


Critboy's progress shows that a concise but effective workout routine combined with a balanced, healthy diet can lead to remarkable results. Everyone can achieve their fitness goals, as long as they are passionate and consistent about it. Try things out for yourself, but most importantly, enjoy the journey!

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.