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M/24/5'9" Goes From 205 to 178 in 3 Months: a Keto Success Story

Read about one man's journey to lose weight with the keto diet! Learn how they lost 27 pounds in just 3 months and see their progress photos!

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'9" male showing a weight loss from 205 pounds to 178 pounds. A net loss of 27 pounds.
M/24/5'9" 205>178 3 months (face progress)
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


A Reddit user going by the name firefya recently shared their weight loss journey with the world. Over the course of just three months, they managed to lose 27 pounds with the help of the ketogenic diet, or keto for short. If you're looking for inspiration and an example of what's possible when you commit to a healthy lifestyle, keep reading!

The Journey

Firefya started at a weight of 205 pounds and a height of 5'9". They decided to start the keto diet after doing some research online and seeing that it had helped others lose weight quickly and effectively. It involves drastically reducing carb intake and upping fat intake, as well as moderate protein consumption. Firefya committed to this way of eating for three months and saw amazing results!

The Results

At the end of three months, Firefya had lost an incredible 27 pounds and weighed in at 178 pounds. They also noticed a big difference in the way their face looked, as evidenced by the progress photos they shared on Reddit. But it wasn't just about the weight loss - Firefya reported feeling better overall, with more energy and less bloating. They even commented that they had been sleeping better since starting keto!

The Takeaway

If you're looking to lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way, the keto diet is definitely one to consider. While it may not be for everyone, Firefya's results show that it can be effective for some. Of course, it's important to talk to your doctor before starting any new diet or exercise regimen, and to make sure you're getting all the nutrients your body needs. But with commitment and dedication, you too could see amazing results like Firefya!


Firefya's weight loss journey is a testament to the power of perseverance and the effectiveness of the ketogenic diet. By making some simple changes to their eating habits, they were able to lose a significant amount of weight and improve their overall well-being. Whether you're looking to lose a few pounds or make a major lifestyle change, there's no better time than now to start. So why not take a page out of Firefya's book and try something new today?

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.