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How a Simple Diet and Routine Change Led to a 42 Pound Weight Loss Journey

Read about hasl8's journey of 42-pound weight loss in just 7 months. Learn valuable tips on how to adopt a better lifestyle for yourself!

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 6'0" man showing a weight cut from 210 pounds to 168 pounds. A respectable loss of 42 pounds.
M/21/6' (7 months) [210>168] 42! She left me for some dude... Thank you!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Hasl8, at just 21 years old, has undergone a remarkable transformation in just 7 months, losing 42 pounds and improving his quality of life. Here are some valuable lessons and tips on how to make a change for the better.

The Simple Diet and Routine Change that Worked

Contrary to most fad diets and workout routines, Hasl8's approach was relatively simple - his secret to losing weight was 80% diet, 10% gym, and 10% rest. He only drank water and ate meats and green vegetables, avoiding carbs, sugars, fruits, and processed foods altogether. He also developed a routine in the gym, going 6 days a week.

The Importance of Motivation and Discipline

Hasl8 credits his success mostly to motivation and discipline. Every time he lifted weights or ran a minute, he thought about where he wanted to see himself, rather than succumb to the negative feelings in his life. He also carried a water bottle around at all times, which helped him stay hydrated and on track. Check out his inspiring journey for some motivation!

Tips to Help You Get Started

If you're interested in making a change, try following Hasl8's footsteps by adopting a healthy eating routine, cutting out processed foods, and incorporating a gym workout routine. Try carrying a water bottle around, too, and eliminate sugary drinks from your diet. Also, consider performing push-ups or squats throughout the day to keep yourself active.


If Hasl8's success story has taught us anything, it's that weight loss and improved quality of life are achievable with a steady pace, motivation, and discipline. Although it may seem difficult initially, all it takes is a small step in the right direction to see a big change. Try it out for yourself and experience the benefits!

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.