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My 63Lb Weight Loss Journey Through Running and Dieting

A 22-year-old male lost 63lbs in 9 months through running and dieting. Find out the details of his weight loss journey here.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'8" man showing a fat loss from 213 pounds to 150 pounds. A total loss of 63 pounds.
M/22/5'8 213 > 150 = 63lbs down
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Reddit user karf101, a 22-year-old male, has successfully achieved a 63lb weight loss through running and dieting over a period of nine months. The post has garnered over 200 upvotes and various comments, congratulating him on his impressive transformation.

Running and dieting

Karf101 revealed that his weight loss journey primarily involved running and a diet with a 500 kcal deficit. He initially faced challenges due to slow speed and shin splints, but the weight loss significantly improved his running ability. He used MapMyRun for distance tracking and MyFitnessPal for dietary guidance. Although he lost some muscle during this journey, he is now transitioning to a healthier and protein-rich diet.

Minimal exercise outside running

Although he is muscular, karf101 did not perform any significant exercise routines except for running. He tried bodyweight exercises, including pushups and squats but missed regular progression, and his interest waned.

Encouragement for others

Kar101's weight loss journey shows that achieving a healthy body is achievable, even without significant gym routines or complexes. He also shared his body progress photos for comparison, providing inspiration for those who wish to reach a similar goal. Although a user advised that body types and genetics play a role, karf101's transformation can provide a motivational starting point for many on their weight loss journey.


Losing weight is challenging, but karf101's journey proves that sustained healthy habits lead to transformation. His reduced weight and improved running ability are a testament to his dedication and consistency. For those attempting a similar journey, karf101 advises keeping realistic goals and maintaining a positive attitude throughout.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.