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M/22/5'8" [220 > 185= 35Lbs Lost]: a Journey Through Bullying and Weight Loss

Read about LT-1's 35lb weight loss journey and the effect that bullying had on them.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'8" male showing a weight cut from 220 pounds to 185 pounds. A net loss of 35 pounds.
A picture of a 5'8" male showing a weight cut from 220 pounds to 185 pounds. A net loss of 35 pounds.
A picture of a 5'8" male showing a weight cut from 220 pounds to 185 pounds. A net loss of 35 pounds.
A picture of a 5'8" male showing a weight cut from 220 pounds to 185 pounds. A net loss of 35 pounds.
M/22/5'8" [220 > 185 = 35lbs lost] : I was a chubster in high school always being called fat and ugly. Four years made a difference for me
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Despite being called 'fat and ugly' in high school, reddit user LT-1 didn't let the bullying get the best of him. Four years later, he stood tall with his weight loss victory of 35lbs.

The Journey to Weight Loss

LT-1 dedicated himself to making healthy choices, including cutting out junk food and sugar, focusing on portion control, and finding enjoyment in cooking meals at home. This routine eventually paid off as he managed to drop from 220lbs to 185lbs.

Dealing with Bullying

While the bullying might have had a negative impact on him in the short-term, LT-1 didn't let it define his future goals. By focusing on his health and well-being, he was able to find a balance in his body and mind that ultimately helped him succeed in his weight loss journey.

Support, Encouragement, and Success

LT-1's journey was not only about his physical appearance but also about finding self-confidence and self-worth. The support and encouragement he received on the reddit thread helped him stay motivated and focused, as he realized that he wasn't alone in his journey. While being proud of his weight loss, he also found a newfound sense of acceptance and happiness.

Conclusion: Try It Out For Yourself!

LT-1's weight loss journey reminds us that even negative experiences such as bullying can fuel positive growth if we have the right mindset. With hard work and dedication, anyone can achieve their health goals. Whether it's through cutting out junk food or finding support systems, the journey towards wellness and self-love is always possible. Try it out for yourself and see the results that can be achieved.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.