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17 Lb Weight Loss Journey: Learn How This Reddit User Lost Weight

Read the weight loss journey of Reddit user lunchforsupper - how she lost 17 lbs, what she ate, and her workout routine. Get inspired!

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'7" woman showing a weight reduction from 174 pounds to 157 pounds. A respectable loss of 17 pounds.
A progress pic of a 5'7" woman showing a weight reduction from 174 pounds to 157 pounds. A respectable loss of 17 pounds.
A progress pic of a 5'7" woman showing a weight reduction from 174 pounds to 157 pounds. A respectable loss of 17 pounds.
A progress pic of a 5'7" woman showing a weight reduction from 174 pounds to 157 pounds. A respectable loss of 17 pounds.
A progress pic of a 5'7" woman showing a weight reduction from 174 pounds to 157 pounds. A respectable loss of 17 pounds.
A progress pic of a 5'7" woman showing a weight reduction from 174 pounds to 157 pounds. A respectable loss of 17 pounds.
F/25/5'7" [174 > 157 = 17 lbs lost] Halfway to my goal weight of 140. Didn't think i looked very different but pictures don't lie
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Reddit user lunchforsupper has been on a weight loss journey, and her progress has been inspirational to many. Her post history shows her journey from 174 lbs down to 157 lbs, and she's got her sights set on a goal weight of 140 lbs. She recently posted progress pictures and was surprised at the difference. Perhaps it will come as inspiration to others looking to lose weight.


Lunchforsupper credits her weight loss to using the MyFitnessPal app and tracking her net calories to be around 1200 per day. She generally prefers lower calorie foods and budgets for occasional cravings, but also mentioned using shirataki tofu noodles as a replacement for pasta. Meal prepping and making large portions to freeze have also been helpful for her.


Surprisingly, lunchforsupper has only just started going to the gym a couple of weeks ago, and only goes around 3 times per week. She's been doing 60 minutes on the elliptical machine and 20 minutes of walking on the treadmill during each visit. An app called "Moves" has been helpful in tracking her daily steps and calorie burn. High_Im_Lo, another Reddit user on the thread, shared her workout routine which involves running 4 miles 5 days per week and doing an hour-long weights class 2 days per week.

Overcoming Roadblocks

When approaching her goal weight, lunchforsupper acknowledges the tendency to backslide into unhealthy habits. High_Im_Lo has also experienced a similar cycle, falling confident and gaining back weight. The solution, according to lunchforsupper, is to track and limit calorie intake even as goals are approached. High_Im_Lo mentioned struggling to stay within calorie limits and intends to pay more attention to her body's needs instead.


Lunchforsupper's journey shows that weight loss is possible with simple lifestyle changes such as tracking calories, using apps to monitor progress, and experimenting with low-calorie food swaps. Regular exercise also contributes to overall health, but may not be necessary to shed pounds. However, everyone is different and a combination that works for one person may not work for another. Find what works best for you and be patient, progress takes time!

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.