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From High School to Freshman Year College: a Journey of Losing 75 Lbs

Discover the journey of a Reddit user, JCSQuintos, who lost 75 lbs from his junior year in high school to his freshman year in college.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 6'0" man showing a weight cut from 250 pounds to 175 pounds. A total loss of 75 pounds.
M/19/6'0" [250 > 175 (75 lbs)] Junior Year of High School to Freshman Year College
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight is a monumental feat, but it is also an achievable one. One Reddit user, JCSQuintos, shared his journey of losing 75 lbs from his junior year in high school to his freshman year in college, which has inspired many to pursue a healthier lifestyle.

Struggling with Weight

JCSQuintos initially tried losing weight through sports, but found no success. However, giving up rice for Lent and carrying a water bottle helped him lose weight. He also did P90X with a friend to help him stay on track.

Winning at Weight Loss

After forty days of giving up rice, he realized he did not need it and completely gave it up. He significantly shed weight and became healthier, motivating others to try it too. He also found Tony Horton's P90X to be an efficient shortcut to calorie burning.

Inspiring Others

Many were inspired by JCSQuintos' journey, such as those who want to lose weight by giving up rice, pasta, or bread, much like he did. In addition, he emphasized the importance of staying hydrated and promoting healthy habits with friends.


Losing weight takes time, effort, and commitment. JCSQuintos' story demonstrates that with motivation, discipline, and a positive attitude, anyone can achieve their fitness goals. Whether it's through healthier food choices, workout routines, or both, it all starts with a single step towards a healthier lifestyle.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.