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How This Woman Lost 67 Pounds in 27 Months: Her Journey with Weight Watchers and Working Out

Read the inspiring weight loss journey of mhmendoza on reddit. Learn how she lost 67 pounds in 27 months through a combination of Weight Watchers and exercise.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'4" woman showing a fat loss from 205 pounds to 138 pounds. A respectable loss of 67 pounds.
F/20/5'4" [205>138=67 lbs] (27 months) lost the weight, but I'll never lose the food or the red lipstick!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Reddit user mhmendzonda shared her 67-pound weight loss journey with the online community, inspiring others to pursue their own health and fitness goals. Through her dedication to the Weight Watchers program and regular exercise, she transformed her body over a period of 27 months.

Her Weight Loss Journey

Mhmendoza attributes much of her success to the Weight Watchers program, which she has been following for two years. She also exercises regularly, incorporating varied and challenging workouts into her routine. At the beginning of her journey, she completed the 30-day Shred program and followed up with Insanity. Currently, she is training for a half marathon and lifting weights.

The Importance of Healthy Choices

While mhmendoza was not following the Weight Watchers program during her first year of college, she still made an effort to choose healthier options. During this time, she completed the Insanity program, which she believes helped to prevent weight gain. Now that she has an off-campus apartment, she finds it easier to stick to the Weight Watchers program and make healthy choices.

Positive Results

Mhmendoza's transformation is visible in her before-and-after photos, which show a dramatic difference in her body composition. However, her confidence and self-assuredness also shine through in the after photo. Other Reddit users praised her determination and expressed admiration for her achievements.

Takeaways for Others

Mhmendoza's story provides inspiration for others who may be struggling with weight loss or looking for ways to improve their health and fitness. Her emphasis on making healthy choices, trying new workouts, and persisting over a period of time can serve as a guide for others on their own journeys. Ultimately, each person's path to wellness will be unique, but mhmendoza's accomplishments demonstrate the power of commitment, effort, and perseverance.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.