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A Successful Weight Loss Journey From Reddit User Popcorn27

Read about how Reddit user Popcorn27 lost 55lbs in 11 months and her tips for weight loss.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'5" female showing a weight reduction from 230 pounds to 175 pounds. A total loss of 55 pounds.
F/19/5'5" [230lbs > 175lbs = 55lbs] (11 Months) Halfway there!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Reddit user Popcorn27 achieved an impressive feat of losing 55lbs within 11 months. Her progress pictures and tips have inspired many on the platform. This article will summarize her weight loss journey and provide insights for those embarking on their own journey.

Perseverance is Key

Popcorn27's transformation did not happen overnight. She attributed her success to her perseverance and 'whatever just a little more' attitude. Her initial weight loss kickstarted with getting a dog and walking every day. Once walking was no longer challenging, she began jogging and following the C25K program. She made an effort to go to the gym 2-3 times a week, where she used the bike, ran, and lifted weights.

Changes in Eating Habits

Popcorn27 didn't drastically change her eating habits until after starting C25K. Even then, she didn't take an extreme approach. Using MyFitnessPal, she tracked her calorie intake and stayed focused on her goal. She stopped drinking her calories and substituted water. One of her biggest revelations was that she didn't need to stop eating what she liked, but rather to eat less of it. She even enjoyed McDonald's but carefully counted calories and ate less for the rest of the day.

Getting More Comprehensive Weight Loss Plan

Popcorn27's success story is a model to follow for those seeking to achieve similar results. Long-term results are not based on attempting fad diets or weight-loss pills, but instead prioritizing healthy habits over time. Start with small steps, and build gradually. Workouts which are sustainable and achievable on a regular basis are better. This approach builds momentum and leads to success, with healthier eating habits and regular exercise becoming more of a lifestyle than a chore.


Popcorn27's post offers several crucial takeaways for anyone starting their weight loss journey. First, being persistent and persevering towards the ultimate goal can be as effective as any other weight loss method. Second, small yet sustainable changes in exercise and diet will lay the foundation for long-term success. Finally, the message is clear - anyone can achieve their goals with dedication and a positive attitude.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.