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Weight Loss Journey Using Calorie Deficit and Crossfit by Reddit User Arahsay

F/30/5'4" [216lbs > 176lbs = 40lbs] in 6 months - this is a story of a Reddit user who lost weight by following a calorie-deficit diet and Crossfit.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'4" female showing a weight loss from 216 pounds to 176 pounds. A net loss of 40 pounds.
F/30/5'4" [216lbs > 176lbs = 40lbs] (6 months) Calorie deficit and Crossfit 3-4 days a week
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


A Reddit user by the name arahsay has shared her journey of weight loss by following a calorie-deficit diet and doing Crossfit 3-4 days a week. In 6 months, she has lost 40 pounds - going from 216lbs to 176lbs. Her inspiring story shows the effectiveness of tracking calories and maintaining a fitness routine.

Diet and Exercise Routine

Arah say's story highlights the importance of a calorie-deficit diet to lose weight. By tracking calories, she was able to restrict her intake to an optimal range, which helped her lose weight effectively. Additionally, she participated in Crossfit workout sessions to keep her body active and burn more calories. Doing Crossfit helped her stay motivated and disciplined.

Progress and Motivation

Arah say's story sets a benchmark for weight loss motivation. Her progress, shared in her Reddit thread, shows how tracking progress can help in achieving long-term goals. Encouraging comments on her post shows the supportive community of like-minded people on Reddit. Additionally, achieving milestones such as clothing size changes can further add to the motivation, making losing weight a more enjoyable experience.

Understanding Weight Loss Vs. Scale Numbers

Arahsay's story sheds light on the issue of being fixated on numbers as a measurement of progress, highlighting other positive benefits of regular exercise. Increased fitness levels, better lifting performance, and feeling less fatigued after exercise are all some non-scale benefits of weight loss. While the number on the scale may not change, other health benefits can make one confident and happier.


Arah say's story shows how weight loss can be achieved by following a strict diet and adhering to a consistent fitness routine. Setbacks in weight loss shouldn't discourage; instead, focus on the positives, such as a healthy lifestyle and other benefits of exercise. Her journey can serve as inspiration and a motivation for those trying to lose weight, and Reddit is a great platform to find support and advice. Try tracking your calories and sticking to a workout routine, and who knows - in 6 months, you may see progress too!

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.