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M/21/6'1 Weight Journey: 45 Lbs Lost in 15 Months

Read about this reddit user’s weight loss journey and how they lost 45lbs in 15 months. Learn from their experience and try it out for yourself!

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 6'1" male showing a weight loss from 215 pounds to 170 pounds. A total loss of 45 pounds.
M/21/6'1 [215 lbs >170 lbs = 45 lbs lost!] (15 months total time) Thought I'd stop lurking and share my progress. Recently hit my goal and feeling great! Possibly NSFW
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Lurking on weight loss subreddits for inspiration is a common activity for many. One such user, [deleted], recently took their motivation to the next level and shared their weight loss journey to inspire others.

The Journey

This 21-year-old male initially weighed 215 lbs and over the course of 15 months, dropped down to a remarkable 170 lbs. The journey was not an easy one as the redditor faced many challenges, but continued to stay dedicated and determined.

The Process

The user followed a healthy and balanced approach to their weight loss journey, incorporating both diet and exercise. They started with limiting their calorie intake to around 1500 calories a day, while also taking the time to exercise regularly. They tried various exercises such as running, biking and even lifting weights. This user also made sure to stay hydrated and gave themselves some rest days to prevent burnout.

Results and Reflections

After sticking with their plan, the user successfully lost 45lbs over a period of 15 months. They have reached their goal and are feeling great! This journey has not only helped them physically but also mentally. They are now more confident about their appearance and health.


Weight loss is a challenging but rewarding journey that requires discipline, hard work and patience. As exemplified through [deleted]'s experience, incorporating a balanced diet, regular exercise and rest days can lead to a healthier and happier lifestyle. So why not try it out for yourself and start your own journey towards a better, healthier you!

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.