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A Man's 50Lb Weight Loss Journey: Gandalfthefunky's Transformation

Follow GandalfTheFunky's weight loss journey as he went from 225 lbs to 175 lbs, and the Reddit community's supportive comments.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'10" male showing a weight reduction from 225 pounds to 175 pounds. A net loss of 50 pounds.
M/34/5'10" [225 lb>175 lb = 50 lb lost] Probably the best before picture I could find. Very excited!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


GandalfTheFunky, male and 34 years old, experienced a 50lb weight loss journey. His Reddit transformation post shows the tremendous effort he has put in to change his body and his life. Despite the challenge, he was able to drop from 225 lb to 175 lb. His post garnered 72 upvotes along with a string of encouraging comments from the community.

The Journey

GandalfTheFunky's weight loss journey did not happen overnight. He most likely had to make significant changes in his lifestyle such as his diet, exercise routine, and daily habits. From his post, he shared a 'before' photo that showed how he looked when he weighed 225lbs. Then he posted an 'after' photo, where he looks fitter and healthier after losing 50lbs. This showcases the progress he has made, which is inspiring for others who may aspire to achieve similar results.

Supportive Comments

Aside from the sharing of before-and-after images, the Reddit community's supportive comments also played a significant role in GandalfTheFunky's weight loss journey. There were many uplifting comments-turned-conversations that highlighted his hard work and dedication towards his weight loss transformation. These comments became a source of motivation for him to keep going as he received recognition for his weight loss endeavors.


GandalfTheFunky's story is a reminder for everyone that losing weight takes time, effort, and consistency. However, through hard work and dedication, it is possible to achieve one's weight loss goals. The support and encouragement of the community can also make a big difference and help fuel motivation. Therefore, taking that first step, setting small goals, and having strong social support can make a great impact on weight loss journeys.


GandalfTheFunky's weight loss journey and the comments and interactions he received online demonstrate that a supportive community can make a significant impact on someone's weight loss journey. Therefore, the takeaway for everyone who wants to embark on a weight loss journey is to take inspiration from GandalfTheFunky and his commitment towards his goals. Though your weight loss journey may have its ups and downs, stay consistent, disciplined, and surround yourself with a supportive community to help you achieve your desired results.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.