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From Scale Obsession to Body Recomposition: a User's 8 Year Weight Journey

Discover how a Reddit user transformed her body without obsessing over the number on the scale. Learn the secrets to a successful body recomposition.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'4" female showing a snapshot of 130 pounds at a height of 5'4
F/30/5’4” [130lbs > 130lbs = 0lbs] (2014 / 2022) sometimes I get lost in the # on the scale and forget that I completely recomposed my body in the last 8 years
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


In 2014, a Reddit user with the username [deleted] shared her weight journey with the world. During her 8-year journey, she went from 130lbs to 130lbs! While it may seem like she didn't make any progress, the post revealed that she had completely recomposed her body. How did she do it? Let's find out!

The Scale Obsession Trap

The user admitted that she often got lost in the numbers on the scale, forgetting that body composition was more important than weight loss. She also revealed that she used to be a cardio bunny, spending hours on the treadmill without seeing any significant changes in her body.

The Secret to Body Recomposition

The user's transformation came from incorporating weight lifting and resistance training into her routine. By building muscle, she was able to decrease her body fat percentage and increase her overall strength and fitness. This is the key to a successful body recomposition!

Patience and Consistency Pay Off

The user emphasized the importance of being patient and consistent. She didn't see results right away, but she kept at it and eventually saw significant changes in her body. This is a reminder that transformations take time and effort, but they are achievable with dedication.

Try it Out for Yourself

If you're feeling lost in the scale obsession trap, take a page from this user's book and focus on body recomposition. Incorporate weight lifting and resistance training into your routine, be patient and consistent, and watch your body transform over time. Remember, the number on the scale is just one measure of progress!

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.