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M/22/6'0" Journey: From 202 to 177Lbs in 20 Weeks

This scientific article documents the journey of a Reddit user, BrovietUnion1, on how he lost 25 pounds in 20 weeks through cardio and a calorie-controlled diet.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 6'0" male showing a weight cut from 202 pounds to 177 pounds. A total loss of 25 pounds.
A before and after photo of a 6'0" male showing a weight cut from 202 pounds to 177 pounds. A total loss of 25 pounds.
Update: M/22/6'0", 202 to 177lbs in 20 weeks. Final progress pics. Girlfriend said I was getting fat, so I did something about it. Thanks /r/progresspics for continuous motivation!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


BrovietUnion1 lost 25 pounds within 20 weeks by doing cardio, reducing his calorie intake, and undergoing a lifestyle change. His girlfriend's tactless advice became the wake-up call he needed to adopt a calorie-controlled diet and increase his frequency of cardio exercises. In this scientific article, we will delve into the methods he used and how he achieved his goal.

Cardio and Calorie Intake

BrovietUnion1's strategy involved reducing his calorie intake to around 500 per day, which enabled him to lose one pound per week. He also credited his consistent cardio exercises, doing 30-90 minutes of cardio 5-7 days a week, for exposing the abs he thought he never had. Cardio is essential in burning calories and melting stomach fat, which is an excellent step toward developing defined abs. His cardio exercise routines included tread climbers, elliptical, and stationary bikes.

Importance of Motivation

BrovietUnion1's weight journey was aided by seeking motivation from the r/progresspics subreddit, where he found a source of inspiration and support for his fitness goals. He credits his motivation to a community that regularly shared progress pictures, ideas, and regimens that helped him stay on track with his goals.

Abs and Exercise

BrovietUnion1 worked his abs in between exercises instead of setting aside time to do stomach muscle exercises exclusively, ensuring that he utilized his gym time efficiently. Moreover, he recommended gradually increasing weight instead of reps, as this makes the ab muscles more substantial. He found that high volume and low weight exercises made his abs more defined, while higher weight and low reps made them bigger.


BrovietUnion1's weight-loss journey to his ideal weight of 177lbs offers several lessons. Combining consistent cardio workouts with a reduced calorie intake offers a perfect path to weight loss. Motivation offered from online communities also proved to be helpful. For those considering bodybuilding and toning exercises, supplementing with cardio can expose important muscles like the stomach, ensuring faster progress towards a defined body shape. Regular exercise, a healthy diet focused on calorie control, utilizing motivation from online communities, and gradual weight increase in gym exercises will ensure the success of any weight loss journey.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.