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Mindful Eating & Jump Rope: the Journey to Losing 35 Pounds in 9 Months

Read about a Reddit user's weight loss journey from 175 to 140 pounds using mindful eating and jump rope exercises. Discover how quitting alcohol and finding a better job were step one to reaching her goal.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'3" woman showing a weight cut from 175 pounds to 140 pounds. A total loss of 35 pounds.
F/30/5'3" [175>140= 35 lbs] (9mths) Quit alcohol and a crappy job and switched to Mindful eating, jumprope and a better job.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

The Struggles with Alcohol and Binge Eating

Traditional-Fill5292's weight loss journey started by quitting alcohol and taking medication to stop her addiction, causing her to see 10 pounds drop off in just over 30 days. She was shaken by the realization that her drinking had caused her to develop a fat gut. She then turned to mindful eating, where she didn't deprive herself of any food but ate in careful quantities to avoid binge-eating.

Jump Rope and Yoga Did the Trick

The user did not exercise religiously but managed to incorporate activities such as jump rope, yoga, and swimming a few times a month. She also considered routine yard work and walking half an hour twice a day to be a part of her workout regimen. She avoided over-exerting herself in the gym, even though she comes from a heavy weightlifting background.

Selective Eating Helps with Losing the Last Few Pounds

At 140 pounds, the user felt confident with her new body and attributed her success to mindful eating and keeping an eye for food intolerances and allergies that could cause inflammation. This helped her lose three to five pounds more without reducing calories.

Knowing That 'A Little Bit Of Something Is Better Than Nothing'

Traditional-Fill5292's advice for petite women is to be kind to themselves and avoid being too hard by overworking themselves in the gym. She believes that rest can be just as important as workout regimes and encourages others to try things out for themselves.

In the End, It's All About Dedication and Consistency

Traditional-Fill5292's weight loss journey proves that all it takes is the right mindset, dedication, and consistency to achieve your fitness goals. Quitting drinking, maintaining careful eating habits, and practicing low-impact exercises helped her achieve her goals. Her story is a testament to the fact that being kind to oneself can be the key to shedding those stubborn pounds.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.