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Lose Weight and Still Enjoy Life: a Reddit User's Journey

Read about how one reddit user lost over 40lbs using CICO and IF, and how she still enjoys cake on her cake day!

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'6" woman showing a weight cut from 186 pounds to 145 pounds. A total loss of 41 pounds.
F/28/5’6 [186>145=41lbs] it’s my cake day! A great reminder that you can lose weight and still enjoy the little things (like cake!)
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight can seem intimidating, especially if you feel like you have to give up all the foods you love. But one Reddit user, absterooni, proves that it's possible to lose weight and still enjoy cake on your cake day!

The Journey

absterooni utilized a mix of intermittent fasting (IF) and calorie counting (CICO) to lose over 40lbs in three years. But what's more impressive is how she maintained her weight loss by eating more intuitively.

Life After Weight Loss

absterooni took things a step further and incorporated strength training to build muscle and recomp her body. But even with her newly toned physique, she still enjoys treats like cake and encourages others to do so as well.

The Secret to Success

absterooni credits her success to following CICO religiously and learning how to balance her meals. She eats slowly, savoring every bite, and no longer feels the need to eat for taste instead of hunger. By taking control of her eating habits, she's been able to maintain her weight loss and live a balanced life.

Conclusion: Try Things Out for Yourself

absterooni's story shows that losing weight doesn't have to be a miserable experience. By incorporating healthy habits like IF and CICO and enjoying treats in moderation, you can make the journey more sustainable in the long run. So try things out for yourself and see what works best for your lifestyle!

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.