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Weight Loss Progress: M/27/5’7” Starting at 177Lbs and Gaining Muscle

Witness the progress of M/27/5’7”’s weight journey from his reddit post. Read to discover how he lost weight and gained muscles.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'7" man showing a snapshot of 177 pounds at a height of 5'7
M/27/5’7” [177 > 177 = 0lbs] I’ve been discouraged about my scale not budging for the last few months until I took this new photo to compare. This made me realize I’m still making great progress because I’ve gained a ton of muscle that I didn’t realize I had gained.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Many people are on the journey to attain their dream body weight by losing some pounds. You may face discouragement along the way, but it is important to stay motivated. One reddit user, bano25, experienced this when he noticed his weight had plateaued. In this article, we will witness bano25’s progress in weight loss and muscle gain.

The Journey to Weight Loss

After beginning his weight loss journey at 177lbs, bano25 faced a plateau that lasted for a few months. However, this was until he took progress photos to compare his progress. The comparison revealed that despite not seeing his weight decrease, he had gained a considerable amount of muscle. With this realization, bano25 began focusing on building more muscle mass while maintaining a healthy diet.

The Importance of Building Muscle

Building muscle through strength training is known to increase the body's metabolism, leading to more calories burned even when resting. In these times, it is easy to get caught up in the number on the scale, but it's important to understand the impact of muscle mass. As bano25 discovered firsthand, focusing on gaining muscle can be just as important as losing weight.

Positive Reinforcement

It is always essential to stay motivated while on a weight loss journey. In bano25's case, receiving a compliment only fueled his motivation to continue to progress. His leg gains were noticed by fellow reddit user, giantwashcapsfan8, who encouraged him for his progress thus far. Positive reinforcement helps boost self-confidence and a sense of community, which can aid in maintaining motivation and focus on achieving fitness goals.


Bano25's journey is an excellent example of how we can quickly become discouraged by the number on the scale. It is essential to note that gaining muscle can be just as important as losing weight. It is also important to take progress photos to accurately document body transformations. Everyone's journey will be different, but with the right mindset and motivation, you can achieve your weight loss goals.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.