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M/19/5'10" Goes From 155Lbs to 175Lbs in 27 Months

Discover the journey of Reddit user 'gocubs121301' who gains 20lbs in over two years. See the ups and downs of the weight-gain journey from the user's perspective.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'10" male showing a muscle gain from 155 pounds to 175 pounds. A total gain of 20 pounds.
M/19/5’10”[155>175=20lbs] 27 months
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


When Reddit user 'gocubs121301' shared his before-and-after photos, he inspired many with his incredible weight gain journey. Despite some bumps and bruises along the way, his journey remains a great inspiration to anyone endeavoring to gain muscle mass.

Gaining the Weight

It took gocubs121301 quite a bit of time to achieve his success - 27 months, to be exact. Through a combination of diet, heavy lifting, and perseverance, he went from weighing 155lbs to 175lbs. Despite struggling with some diet and fitness setbacks throughout his journey, he continued to push forward and make progress.

Struggles Along the Way

As with any fitness journey, there were a few setbacks along the way. Gocubs121301 shared that he struggled with stretch marks and even experienced some mild safety concerns that required him to repost his Reddit thread. Nevertheless, he continued to workout regularly and maintain his diet.

The Power of Discipline and Perseverance

Through hard work, discipline, and wise choices, gocubs121301 demonstrated the incredible things that can happen with dedication and persistence. While there were some bumps in the road, his willingness to continue trying even when success seemed far away is an inspiration to anyone who has ever felt discouraged.


In conclusion, gocubs121301's weight gain journey demonstrates the incredible things that can happen when you choose to focus on your goals and put in the hard work. His journey reminds us that even when faced with setbacks or obstacles, we can still make progress and achieve great things if we refuse to give up.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.