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One Month on Keto and Exercise M/46 Losing 11 Pounds and Counting

A 46-year-old man has successfully lost 11 pounds in one month thanks to a combination of Keto diet and exercise.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'11" man showing a fat loss from 190 pounds to 179 pounds. A total loss of 11 pounds.
M/46/5'11" [190lbs > 179lbs] (1 month) - 4 weeks on Keto and exercise
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

The journey to a healthier body is never an easy one. However, with the right diet and workout routine, it is possible to achieve your weight loss goals. One Reddit user, cheapinvite1, is a good example of how determination and hard work can lead to tangible results.

Cheapinvite1 is a M/46 who started at 190 pounds and is now down to 179 pounds, and all that in only one month. He attributes his success to following a ketogenic diet and working out according to a structured routine. His workout regime is made up of different sets of workouts throughout the week that focus on different parts of the body. Mondays are Push days, Tuesdays are Pull days, and Sundays are for jogging.

In addition to following his workout routine, cheapinvite1 has also decided to go on a ketogenic diet. The diet primarily focuses on consuming fewer carbohydrates and replacing those calories with healthy fats. Cheapinvite1 credits his diet plan with cutting down his cravings and keeping him full throughout the day.

The post by cheapinvite1 has received many comments and upvotes, with many Redditors praising him for his dedication and hard work. One user suggested incorporating weight training as it helps to build muscle while burning fat. While cheapinvite1 mainly focuses on cardio, he plans to incorporate weight training to his routine.

It's inspiring to see how cheapinvite1 has used the power of diet and exercise to transform his body positively. While everyone's journey is different, this post proves that with the right mindset and commitment, it is possible to achieve your fitness goals. Cheapinvite1's post serves as a reminder that small changes, like tweaking your diet or incorporating movement throughout the day, can lead to significant results.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.