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Weight Loss Progress with the Help of a Horse

Discover an incredible weight loss journey of F/26/5'5 and a unique kind of progress pic with a retired racehorse by browsing RedHotLillyPepper's Reddit post.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'5" female showing a weight loss from 188 pounds to 142 pounds. A respectable loss of 46 pounds.
F/26/5’5” [188 > 142 = -42 lbs] A different kind of progress pic… Same photographer, same horse, VERY different me, two years apart:)
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


RedHotLillyPepper's Reddit post presents a weight loss journey that is unique, fun, and inspiring. She shares that her progress picture features the same horse and photographer but, two years apart. As we go through the comments section, we find that her horse is a retired racehorse that she trains for the 3-day eventing. Let's dive in to discover more about this motivating story.


The Reddit post title reveals that RedHotLillyPepper has lost 42 pounds (from 188 to 146 lbs). Through the comments, we also learn that she has been training with her horse, which indicates a physically active commitment to the weight loss process. Moreover, the post and RedHotLillyPepper's journey got recognition from other Reddit users who appreciated her progress, horse training, and progress.

Motivation for Others

RedHotLillyPepper's Reddit post is motivational for anyone who wants to begin a weight loss journey. The post shows that your best buddy or the things we do for fun like horse riding can help us normalize and create sustainable habits. Progress pictures are also essential, so we always remember where we started and appreciate the work we've accomplished over time. It takes time and patience, but progress is progress regardless of how minimal it seems.

Horse Riding and Weight Loss

Horse riding is a fun and engaging way to burn calories and have an effective workout without feeling forced. A significant improvement comes from the core muscles, which are consistently involved in maintaining balance and control on the horse's back. Additionally, the workout involves the glutes, quads, and calf muscles, which contract during the ride. With RedHotLillyPepper's progress picture, we see that she has achieved a great body transformation, thereby proving that adding the ride to the routine can bring noticeable results to the weight loss journey.


In conclusion, RedHotLillyPepper's Reddit post is a remarkable story of a weight loss journey with the help of a horse. Her progress picture and the horse's engagement portray how making workouts fun and joyful can create a sustainable habit. It highlights that not all weight loss journeys have to be in a gym or a studio. Instead, outdoor activities like horse riding can be the motivation you need to start or continue the journey. Lastly, the comments of support and praise from Redditors show that no matter how small progress seems, as long as it is consistent and keeps sustainable habits, can make big differences.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.