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M/28/5'3" Weight Loss Journey: 174 to 141 Lbs in 7 Months

Find out how a Reddit user, TheLostBean, lost 33 pounds within 7 months through low carb and high protein diet combined with multiple HIIT and resistance training exercises.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'3" female showing a weight loss from 174 pounds to 141 pounds. A respectable loss of 33 pounds.
F/28/5'3" [174 > 141 = 33] (7 months). Goal weight is 115-120, but I'm so happy with my current progress! Feeling strong.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


The weight loss journey of a Reddit user named TheLostBean is worth taking inspiration from. The journey is filled with struggles, plateaus, insights, and victories that anyone on a weight loss journey could relate to. In this article, we will follow the weight loss journey of TheLostBean.

The Starting Point

At the start of the journey, TheLostBean weighed 174 pounds. Her goal weight was to reach 115-120 pounds. Her diet consisted mostly of low carb, high protein food, and smaller portions. Her exercise routine was multiple high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and resistance training exercises on weights for 3-5 days a week.

The Plateau and Solution

After losing some weight, she hit a plateau. She was not seeing any significant change in her weight despite all the hard work she was putting in. Then, she decided to up her workouts. She increased her weights and did higher-intensity exercises. She also heard of carb cycling for plateaus, which she planned to give a try. She is yet to discover that technique, but the plateau broke after increasing her workout intensity.

The Victory

After 7 months of hard work, TheLostBean achieved an incredible 33-pound weight loss. At 141 pounds, she was still on her journey towards her goal weight of 115-120 pounds. Her transformation showed her muscle definition and strength. TheLostBean felt happy with her progress so far.


The weight loss journey of TheLostBean is a great inspiration for anyone looking to begin their journey. The journey emphasizes the importance of consistent workout routines and supporting diet plans for effective results. Her experience towards breaking through a plateau provides insights into using different techniques to achieve better results. Try out a similar diet and exercise routine and take inspiration from her journey towards a healthier life.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.