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How One Woman Lost 59 Pounds in 14 Months: a Journey to Better Mental and Physical Health

Discover how this woman lost 59 pounds in 14 months and improved her mental health with therapy and quitting alcohol. Read on for inspiration!

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'5" female showing a weight loss from 197 pounds to 138 pounds. A net loss of 59 pounds.
F/33/5'5"[197lbs>138lbs=59lbs] Took me 14 months to feel this amazing! Mental health is huge. First picture I was 6 months postpartum and was drinking. Second picture is one year with no alcohol and therapy! Thank you everyone for keeping me going and inspired!! You are all BEAUTIFUL people!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight isn't just about physical transformation, it's also about improving one's mental health. This Reddit post from a user named HotmessPrincess88 chronicles her journey to losing 59 pounds in 14 months through therapy, quitting alcohol, and exercise. Her transformation not only shows how much can be achieved with the right tools, but also how prioritizing mental health is crucial to the journey of weight loss.

The Journey to Weight Loss

HotmessPrincess88's journey to weight loss included multiple lifestyle changes. She quit drinking and started therapy to improve her mental health, which she considers to be the 'biggest things' that helped her achieve her weight loss goals. She started small with exercise, taking running seriously and setting small goals for herself. She ate whatever she wanted but was mindful about it and controlled her sugar intake.

Importance of Mental Health

HotmessPrincess88's journey shows that weight loss is not only a physical transformation but also a mental one. Taking care of one's mental health, in addition to exercise and healthy eating, is crucial to achieving weight loss goals. HotmessPrincess88's decision to prioritize therapy and quitting alcohol is evidence of that.

The Importance of Taking Care of Yourself

HotmessPrincess88's journey shows the importance of loving and taking care of oneself. Her journey involved taking small steps, being mindful about her eating habits, and prioritizing therapy to achieve her weight loss goals. She also encouraged those struggling with weight loss to never give up, to trust the process, and to prioritize their mental health.


HotmessPrincess88's journey to weight loss is inspiring and motivating. Her journey shows us that with the proper tools—such as therapy, quitting alcohol, exercise, and healthy eating—weight loss is achievable. Her transformation is also a reminder that taking care of one's mental health is crucial to achieving one's goals. If you're struggling with weight loss, her journey can serve as an inspiration to start your own journey towards better health.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.