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How Lucidspoon Lost 30 Pounds over 2 Years with Lifestyle Changes

Read how reddit user lucidspoon lost 30 pounds without a fad diet or extreme exercise routine. Learn about his lifestyle changes and progress timeline.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'11" man showing a weight cut from 189 pounds to 179 pounds. A net loss of 10 pounds.
M/39/5'11" [189 > 179 > 159 = 30lbs] Apr '19/Sep '19/Aug '21 | 25lbs lost in the past 10 months
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Reddit user lucidspoon documented his weight loss journey without the help of fad diets or intense fitness routines. Over two years, he made healthy lifestyle changes and lost a total of 30 pounds. Read on to learn how he achieved his progress and how his diet and fitness choices transformed over time.

Healthy Choices Every Day

According to lucidspoon, cutting back on drinking and practicing intermittent fasting most days helped to jumpstart his weight loss. While these lifestyle changes have been essential to his progress, he also started biking and walking a lot more when shifted to working from home. He also reduced the consumption of dairy, grains, and other foods that trigger bloating. Over time, he gained control over his diet and became more aware of what he puts into his body.

Lifestyle Changes Over Time

Lucidspoon's progress timeline shows a clear picture of how his lifestyle changes evolved over time. While he started his weight loss journey in April 2019, he stayed in low 180s for a year before reaching 179 pounds by September 2020. By August 2021, he reached a weight of 159 pounds, which means he lost 25 of those 30 pounds in the past 10 months. His progress was steady, showing that small changes over time can lead to significant results.

Encouraging Others

Lucidspoon's weight loss journey is an excellent example of how healthy choices every day can result in significant progress over time. With dedication and discipline, anyone can achieve weight loss goals, even without fad diets or rigorous workout routines. His progress shows that it is crucial to stay consistent and make small, manageable changes to achieve significant results.

Final Thoughts

Lucidspoon's weight loss journey is a story of discipline, dedication and healthy changes. His lifestyle changes over time showed that significant results could be achieved without resorting to fad diets or extreme exercise routines. Taking a cue from his approach to weight loss can inspire others to get started on their weight loss journeys, and make steady progress each day towards meeting their health and weight loss goals.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.