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F/28/5'4'' 40Lb Weight Journey over 28 Months: a Progress Report

Read about the weight loss progress of a Reddit user over 28 months. Discover how she lost 40 pounds and maintained it. Get inspired!

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'4" female showing a weight loss from 173 pounds to 133 pounds. A net loss of 40 pounds.
F/28/5’4” [173lbs > 133lbs = 40lbs] (28 months) progress across years. Happy birthday to me! May we all age well :)
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Everyone wants to have a healthy lifestyle, but the most challenging part is the weight loss journey. Fried_cloud, a Reddit user, has shared her weight loss journey and how she lost 40 pounds over 28 months. In this article, we explore her progress report and get inspired to pursue our weight loss goals.

The Progress Report

Fried_cloud started her weight loss journey in 2018, weighing 173lbs. By 2020, her bodyweight was down to 133lbs. Losing 40 pounds over two years may not seem like rapid progress, but it is steady progress that she has managed to maintain. She said that she focused on tracking, meal prep, increasing her protein intake, reducing sugar or alcohol, and consistent workout routine helped her lose the unwanted pounds.

Journey of Transformation

Fried_cloud's journey of transformation is awe-inspiring. The progress pictures show the extent of the transformation, wherein she has lost fat across all body parts, including the face, waist, leg, and chest. Along with the physical transformation, she has gained confidence and had joyful experiences in life that she otherwise may have missed out on. Her significant birthday milestone also makes the achievement even more special.

Inspire Yourself

Fried_cloud's weight loss journey demonstrates that consistency and patience are essential to have sustainable improvements in health. While everyone has a different approach to weight loss, it is learning from others' experiences that can help us succeed. Some daily habits that worked for Fried_cloud included tracking food intake, meal prepping, and consistent workout routine. She emphasizes that the most critical aspect of any weight loss journey is to maintain a positive mindset and work towards progress, not perfection.


Fried_cloud's progress report is a great source of inspiration to anyone considering a weight loss journey. It is a compelling reminder that with consistent effort, patience, and dedication, the desired outcome can be achieved. Anyone can follow in her footsteps - tracking their diet, preparing healthy meals at home, and engaging in consistent physical activity - and feel proud of themselves when they achieve their desired results.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.