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A Journey of Weight Loss: a Reddit User's Experience

Read about a Reddit user's journey of weight loss and the tips and tricks they used to achieve their goals.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'8" woman showing a snapshot of 144 pounds at a height of 5'8
Introduction: Cutting/Female/25/5'8"/144
Originally posted on /r/BTFC


One Reddit user shared their journey of weight loss, describing herself as a 25-year-old female who stands at 5'8" and weighed 144 pounds at the start of her journey.

The Beginning

For this user, the journey towards losing weight started by taking note of what she was eating daily. After understanding the kind of food she was consuming, the user started to make small changes like substituting a soda with water and avoiding sugary snacks.

The Importance of Portion Control

Another significant step in the user's journey was learning to control her food portions. She realized that overconsumption was one of the major factors for weight gain. In addition, she also started to eat more protein and fiber-rich food items such as lean meat, vegetables, and grains, which helped her maintain fullness for longer periods.

The Role of Exercise

The user also incorporated exercise gradually into her routine by starting with 30 minutes of cardio exercises regularly. Eventually, she started to engage in strength-training workouts, which helped her build lean muscle while losing fat. The user emphasizes that it's not necessary to go to the gym every day but to find an activity that one enjoys and can engage with regularly.


The user ended her post by emphasizing the importance of persistence and consistency while on a weight loss journey. While there can be setbacks, it's essential to not give up and continue to work towards one's goals. She also encouraged others to make small changes to their daily routine and build upon them. By doing so, they can achieve their goals and enjoy an overall healthier lifestyle.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.