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Female Weight Loss Journey: a Tale of Cutting, Fitness and Determination

Follow a young female's story of how she lost weight through cutting and fitness routines. Her Reddit posts will be the guide.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'3" female showing a snapshot of 133 pounds at a height of 5'3
A before and after photo of a 5'3" female showing a snapshot of 133 pounds at a height of 5'3
A before and after photo of a 5'3" female showing a snapshot of 133 pounds at a height of 5'3
A before and after photo of a 5'3" female showing a snapshot of 133 pounds at a height of 5'3
Introduction: Cutting/Female/22/5'3"/133lbs
Originally posted on /r/BTFC


Meet AJfitness, a motivated 22-year-old female weighing 133lbs standing 5'3" tall. Her determination led her to shed a few pounds, and she's ready to share her journey of cutting and fitness with us.


AJfitness introduces herself to the community, seeking support and guidance in her weight loss journey. She embarks on a 16-week cutting program that includes a calorie deficit, strength training, and cardio. Her progress is evident, and she's thrilled to have lost over 10lbs during her cutting phase.

Fitness Routine

AJfitness shares her fitness plan, which involves a 5-day split strength training program and 3-4 days of cardio. She prioritizes compound movements, like squats and deadlifts, to target major muscle groups for more calories burned. AJfitness updates her community every step of the way and encourages others to try out her routine.


AJfitness attributes a chunk of her success to her mindset. She advises fellow weight loss hopefuls to celebrate non-scale victories, keep persistent, and not to give up, even if you hit a plateau. AJfitness encourages all to find their 'why' motivation, and keep their eye on the prize.


AJfitness surpassed her weight loss goal, shedding over 20lbs and weighing 112lbs. Her journey proves that the perfect combination of cutting and fitness, with the right mindset, can achieve wonders. Follow her footsteps and commit to your goal with discipline, determination, and support from the community.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.