By Height By Weight  

A 30 Year Old Man Loses Weight

Follow this 30-year-old man's weight loss journey as he drops pounds over 3 months and experiences health benefits.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 6'2" man showing a snapshot of 182 pounds at a height of 6'2
A photo of a 6'2" man showing a snapshot of 182 pounds at a height of 6'2
A photo of a 6'2" man showing a snapshot of 182 pounds at a height of 6'2
A photo of a 6'2" man showing a snapshot of 182 pounds at a height of 6'2
30/M/6'2/182 (Aug 29th - Nov 21st)
Originally posted on /r/BTFC


Meet in00ka, a 30-year-old man who decided to embark on a weight loss journey. With a starting weight of 182 pounds in August and a height of 6'2, he documented his progress on Reddit. His initial motivation was to improve his appearance, but as he progressed, he also experienced health benefits.

Results and Progress

In00ka's progress over the course of 3 months was impressive. By November, he had surpassed his weight loss goal, shedding over 15 pounds to reach a weight of 166 pounds. He shared that he felt more energetic, slept better, and experienced an increase in self-confidence. His weight loss journey motivated him to continue and explore other healthy habits to complement his improved diet.

Dietary Changes

In00ka's weight loss journey mostly involved dietary changes. He reduced his calorie intake and adopted a low-carb diet that included meat, vegetables, fruits, and nuts. He also increased his protein intake and avoided processed foods, sugary drinks, and alcohol. As a result, he lost weight and also felt fuller for longer periods of time.

Exercise Routine

While in00ka's primary focus was on diet, he also exercised regularly. He followed a routine consisting of jogging and biking while gradually increasing the intensity and duration. He also incorporated weight training to build muscle and complement his weight loss efforts. His exercise routine helped him burn calories and maintain his weight loss progress.


In00ka's weight loss journey is a testament that small lifestyle changes can have a significant impact. By tracking his progress and staying consistent with his healthy habits, he achieved his weight loss goals and experienced improved health benefits. If you're looking to lose weight, consider making dietary changes, incorporating exercise into your routine, and tracking your progress. Remember to consult with a medical professional before starting any weight loss program or new exercise regimen.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.