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Four Weeks on Keto Led to Impressive Weight Loss of 24 Pounds for 27 Year Old Male

A Reddit user named KetoKreations lost 24 pounds in four weeks by following a keto diet plan. His journey is documented in a post.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 6'3" man showing a weight reduction from 241 pounds to 217 pounds. A respectable loss of 24 pounds.
A photo of a 6'3" man showing a weight reduction from 241 pounds to 217 pounds. A respectable loss of 24 pounds.
A photo of a 6'3" man showing a weight reduction from 241 pounds to 217 pounds. A respectable loss of 24 pounds.
A photo of a 6'3" man showing a weight reduction from 241 pounds to 217 pounds. A respectable loss of 24 pounds.
[SV] [Pics] 27/m 6'3 - 4 Weeks in 241.6 to 217.4
Originally posted on /r/keto


Reddit user, KetoKreations, has successfully lost weight and documented his transformation on Reddit. His impressive weight loss is the result of being on a keto diet plan for four weeks.

The Stats

KetoKreations is a 27-year-old male who started the keto diet weighing in at 241.6 pounds. Four weeks later, he weighed 217.4 pounds, losing a remarkable 24 pounds. He is also 6'3'' tall, and the progress pictures posted on Reddit show a visible and significant transformation.

Comments and Reactions

The KetoKreations post received attention and positive comments from Reddit users, with many congratulating him on his impressive weight loss. One user commented on his transformation, saying, "Congrats! You're looking fabulous."

Challenges Faced

KetoKreations also shared some insights on how he was able to lose weight effectively. One of the challenges, he mentioned, was finding the right balance in his electrolyte intake. He added that once he found the right balance, he was able to maintain his weight and feel good throughout the day.


KetoKreations' progress demonstrates the effectiveness of the keto diet in losing weight quickly in a healthy way. His transformation is an inspiration to those who are on a weight loss journey. Following a well-balanced keto diet plan, exercising regularly, and seeking advice from a health professional can help anyone achieve their weight loss goals. It's worth a try!

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.