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One Man's 61 Pound Weight Loss Journey in 7 Months

Read the story of gen65's incredible weight loss journey, dropping from 215 to 154 pounds in just 7 months, with tips on exercise and dieting.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'9" man showing a weight cut from 215 pounds to 154 pounds. A respectable loss of 61 pounds.
M/24/5'9" [215lbs > 154lbs = 61lbs] (7 months) Almost 150
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Gen65 took to Reddit to share his incredible weight loss journey, shedding 61 pounds in just seven months. He gives an overview of his diet and exercise changes.

The Details of His Journey

Gen65 began his journey with a low-intensity cardio and ketogenic diet. After a month, he ramped up to moderate intensity cardio for 3-4 days per week. After 4 months, he transitioned to a moderate low-carb diet, tracking calories through MyFitnessPal (MFP).

Gen65's Tips for Success

He advises creating a list of filling, low-calorie foods, such as protein-rich chicken breast, turkey, and yogurt, and avoiding sugary drinks. He emphasizes the importance of a food scale, as nutritional labels' serving sizes can be misleading. He also recommends researching nutrition and body changes during weight loss to better prepare for the journey.

The Results of Gen65's Journey

In just seven months, Gen65 lost 61 pounds, shedding excess weight and improving his health. He went from 215 to 154 pounds and a BMI of 22.7. The progress photos he shared on Reddit show an incredible transformation.


Gen65's weight loss journey shows that with dedication and a plan, significant weight loss is achievable. By sharing his journey and offering useful tips, he inspires others to take control of their health too. Try out some of his advice and see how it works for you.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.