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The Power of Consistency: a 30 Day Weight Loss Progress Story

Read about how Reddit user pickle_my_dill managed to lose 5 pounds and gain muscle in just 30 days through consistent exercise and healthy eating habits.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'3" female showing a fat loss from 150 pounds to 145 pounds. A respectable loss of 5 pounds.
A picture of a 5'3" female showing a fat loss from 150 pounds to 145 pounds. A respectable loss of 5 pounds.
F/25/5'3 [150lbs> 145lbs= 5lbs] ( 30 day progress)
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight is a journey that requires discipline, commitment, and patience. It can be challenging, especially for those who struggle with finding the motivation to stick to a healthy lifestyle. However, positive results can be seen in a relatively short amount of time. One Reddit user, pickle_my_dill, shared their 30-day weight loss progress and how they achieved it through consistent exercise and healthy eating habits.

The Progress Story

Pickle_my_dill started out at 150lbs and managed to lose 5 pounds in just 30 days. Although the weight loss may not seem like much, the progress picture is mind-blowing. The user explained that on their weight loss journey, they worked out almost every day and gained muscle in the process. Even the commenters noticed the difference in their arms, shoulder, and neck area. Pickle_my_dill's diet also changed significantly. They cut out fast food entirely and significantly reduced their bread intake. Although they still ate some junk food, cutting out fast food and reducing bread intake helped make a big difference.

The Importance of Consistency

The progress picture posted by pickle_my_dill is a testament to the power of consistency. Losing 5 pounds in 30 days required discipline and commitment to a healthy lifestyle. Pickle_my_dill exercised almost every day and made significant changes to their diet. Although the weight loss progress may have seemed slow, it was steady, and the results speak for themselves. Sticking to a healthy lifestyle, even when progress may seem slow, is essential to achieving weight loss goals.

The Power of Small Changes

Pickle_my_dill's progress story proves that small changes can make significant differences. Cutting out fast food entirely and reducing bread intake helped them lose weight and gain muscle in just 30 days. For those who struggle with cutting out unhealthy food entirely, simply reducing the intake can still make a difference. Starting small and making incremental changes can lead to significant progress over time.


Pickle_my_dill's 30-day weight loss progress story is an inspiration to those who struggle with losing weight. Consistency and small changes can make a considerable difference in achieving weight loss goals. Cutting out fast food and reducing bread intake played a significant role in pickle_my_dill's success, but their progress story is also a reminder that sustainable weight loss is a journey and not a quick fix. Pickle_my_dill's story can encourage others to try things out for themselves, stick to a healthy lifestyle, and ultimately achieve their weight loss goals.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.