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4 Month Weight Loss Journey of a Reddit User [M/21/6'0, 88Kg > 78Kg]

Read about the inspiring weight loss journey of a Reddit user who lost 10kg in 4 months. Learn how he achieved his goals and get motivated.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 6'0" man showing a fat loss from 193 pounds to 171 pounds. A total loss of 22 pounds.
M/21/6'0” (183, 184 cm) [88kg > 78kg = 10kgs] (4months)
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight can be a challenging journey for many people. However, with the right attitude and approach, it is possible to achieve one's weight loss goals. This article will detail the 4-month weight loss journey of a Reddit user who goes by the name of [deleted]. This 21-year-old man, who stands at 6'0" and weighed 88kg, managed to lose 10kg in just 4 months. His story is one of inspiration, determination, and discipline. Read on to learn how he accomplished his weight loss goals and perhaps draw inspiration from his journey.


In his initial post on Reddit, [deleted] shared that he had always struggled with his weight. He had tried a variety of diets and fitness regimens in the past but never managed to stick to them long enough to see any significant changes. However, in June 2021, he decided it was finally time to take control of his weight and started his weight loss journey.


According to his Reddit post, [deleted] followed a low-carb, high-protein diet and went to the gym 5-6 times a week. He also tracked his calorie intake using the MyFitnessPal app and made sure to stay within his daily calorie limit. Additionally, he incorporated intermittent fasting into his routine, fasting for 16 hours a day and eating within an 8-hour window. This approach helped him lose weight steadily over the course of 4 months.


After 4 months of consistent effort, [deleted] managed to lose 10kg, bringing his weight down to 78kg. Along with weight loss, he also noticed other positive changes in his body, such as increased energy levels and improved overall fitness. His journey goes to show that with discipline and consistency, anyone can achieve their weight loss goals.


Losing weight is not easy, but it is possible. [Deleted]'s journey serves as an inspiration to anyone who is struggling with weight loss. By following a healthy diet, consistent exercise routine, and tracking calorie intake, it is possible to achieve weight loss goals. However, it is important to remember that everyone's body is different, and what worked for [deleted] may not work for everyone. Therefore, it is essential to experiment with various approaches and find what works best for oneself. With consistency and determination, anyone can achieve their desired weight loss goals.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.