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How a Reddit User Lost 30Lbs and Achieved a Normal Bmi

Read about a Reddit user's weight loss journey from 167lbs to 136lbs and achieving a normal BMI. Learn how they did it and find inspiration to try for yourself.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'2" woman showing a weight cut from 167 pounds to 136 pounds. A net loss of 31 pounds.
F/25/5'2" [167lbs > 136lbs] (-30lbs) Last time I posted I was in the 140s. Now I'm finally in the 130s and my BMI is officially "normal"!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


A Reddit user has made significant progress towards a healthier weight and BMI, inspiring others to take the same journey of weight loss and self-improvement. With a starting weight of 167lbs, the user worked hard to achieve a weight of 136lbs. In this article, we will explore the steps the user took to achieve their incredible transformation.

Diet Changes

The user made important changes to their diet to start their weight loss journey. They focused on consuming more protein, vegetables, and healthy fats while limiting their intake of processed foods and sugary drinks. These dietary changes helped the user consume fewer calories while increasing nutrient intake.


In addition to dietary changes, the user also made physical exercise a regular part of their routine. The user started with simple activities like walking and gradually increased their activity level with weightlifting and cardio exercises. This approach helped them burn more calories and build muscle mass which boosted their metabolism.


The user recognized the importance of a positive mindset in achieving their weight loss goals. They took steps to overcome self-doubt and negative self-talk by focusing on small successes and celebrating those victories. They also sought support from friends and family and shared their progress with online communities.


With consistent effort and dedication, the Reddit user was able to lose 30lbs and achieve a normal BMI. This inspiring transformation shows that anyone can make positive changes to their health and well-being by making simple yet effective lifestyle changes like eating healthier, exercising regularly and fostering a positive mindset. Find inspiration in this Reddit user's journey and start making positive changes in your own life today!

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.