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Weight Loss Journey of M/22/5'9" User: 185Lb > 174Lb in 15 Months

Follow the weight loss journey of a reddit user who lost 11lbs in 15 months. Learn about his approach to weight lost and how he succeeded

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'9" male showing a weight loss from 185 pounds to 174 pounds. A respectable loss of 11 pounds.
M/22/5'9" [185lb > 174lb = 11lb] May 2014-August 2015. Been meaning to share this for a bit.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


As weight loss is one of the significant health concerns, many people try to lose weight through various methods. Reddit has been an excellent platform for people to share their weight loss journey and inspire others to achieve their goals. In this article, we will follow a M/22/5'9" user's weight loss journey, where he lost 11lbs in 15 months.

Starting Point

The user started his weight loss journey at 185lb in May 2014 and successfully lost 11lbs by August 2015, bringing his weight down to 174lb. The journey was not rapid, but the user kept himself motivated by watching his progress, which kept him on track.

Weight Loss Approach

The user shared that he relied heavily on dietary changes and regular exercise to achieve his weight loss goals. He stated that he gradually cut down on sugary and fatty foods and included more whole grains, lean meats, fruits, and vegetables in his daily meals. He also incorporated cardio and weight training into his routine for at least 60 minutes each day.

Sustaining Weight Loss

Sustaining weight loss is crucial for long-term health benefits. The user shared that he keeps himself motivated by tracking his progress, continually setting new goals, and rewarding himself after achieving them. He also mentioned that having a support system, including his family and friends, played a significant role in his weight loss journey.


Losing weight may seem challenging, but with a little determination and discipline, it is achievable. The user's weight loss journey shows that slow and steady progress can lead to significant results. By following a healthy diet and regular exercise, anyone can achieve their weight loss goals. However, it is crucial to find a method that works best for you and to consult with a healthcare professional when making any significant changes in your lifestyle.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.