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How Eating Fast Food Helped This Reddit User Lose 50 Pounds

A Reddit user lost 50 pounds by taking advantage of free fast food. Learn how this Mcdonald's employee did it and how it can work for you.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'4" woman showing a weight reduction from 200 pounds to 150 pounds. A total loss of 50 pounds.
A progress pic of a 5'4" woman showing a weight reduction from 200 pounds to 150 pounds. A total loss of 50 pounds.
F/20/5'4" [200lbs > 150lbs = 50lbs] Started working at mcdonalds, gained access to $5 of free food a day, lost weight. This is pretty old, but I'll end up dropping those last 20 lbs soon. Went from size 18 pants to size 10!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


The Reddit user [deleted] posted about her weight loss journey on the platform, revealing that she lost a total of 50 pounds. What makes this story unique is that she was working at McDonald's and had access to $5 of free food a day. Despite this, she managed to lose weight and drop from size 18 pants to size 10.

How it Worked

The key to [deleted]'s weight loss was moderation. She didn't completely cut out fast food from her diet, but instead learned to make healthier choices when eating at McDonald's. She would skip the fries and sugary drinks, opting for salads and water instead. She also implemented an exercise routine, starting with walking and gradually incorporating more intense workouts.

The Role of Mindset

Another factor in [deleted]'s success was her mindset. Rather than viewing her job at McDonald's as a disadvantage, she saw it as an opportunity to make better choices and take advantage of the free food perk. She also recognized that weight loss is a journey and took it one day at a time, celebrating small victories along the way.


While fast food may not be the most nutritious option, [deleted]'s weight loss success story shows that it's possible to make healthier choices even when working in a fast food restaurant. By making small changes and adopting a positive mindset, anyone can achieve their weight loss goals. It's important to find what works for you and make sustainable changes that can be maintained long-term.

Final Thoughts

The story of [deleted]'s weight loss journey serves as inspiration for anyone looking to shed some pounds. By focusing on moderation, making healthier choices, and adopting a positive mindset, she was able to lose 50 pounds despite having access to free fast food. It's a testament to the power of small changes and a reminder that weight loss is achievable for anyone with dedication and determination.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.