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M/20/6'2 Weight Loss Journey: 59Lbs Down in 22 Months

Follow the inspiring weight loss transformation journey of a Reddit user as he shares his progress with shedding off 59lbs through discipline and consistency.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 6'2" male showing a weight loss from 235 pounds to 176 pounds. A total loss of 59 pounds.
M/20/6'2 [235lbs > 176 lbs = 59lbs down] (22 months) Updated an ID picture today and noticed how much weight I'd lost on my face.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Weight loss is a journey that takes resolve, determination, and consistency. For one Reddit user, he stuck to his guns, and over 22 months, he was able to shed off a whopping 59lbs!

Commitment, Not Excuses

The road to weight loss is littered with excuses, but for this user, he put in the work and refused to let excuses rule his life. He consistently tracked his progress, weighed himself every day, and stayed committed to his calorie counting journey.

The Power of Small Changes

Big changes may seem overwhelming, but small changes are achievable and sustainable. For this Reddit user, he made small but significant changes in his diet and lifestyle that led to his ultimate transformation. He cut down on carbs, increased his protein intake, and began walking regularly.

Celebrating Milestones

Celebrating milestones can help us stay motivated on our weight loss journey. For this user, he took pictures and posted about his progress on Reddit. He celebrated every 5lbs lost, and his encouraging post resonated with thousands of people.


Weight loss is not an easy journey, but with discipline, consistency, and dedication, it is possible to achieve significant results. The story of this Reddit user is a testament to the power of small changes, commitment, and celebrating milestones. Take inspiration from his journey and keep striving towards your weight loss goals.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.